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  • Sunday 18 May 2014

    TYPES OF ADDRESS (IP Adress and MAC address )

    There are two types of address which is given below 

    1. Hardware address
    2. logical address 
    what is hardware address 

    A hardware address is used uniquely identify a host within a local network.Hardware addressing is a function of data link layer of OSI model (Layer 2).

                                                        Hardware address is also called MAC address .MAC address is 48 bit .MAC address is often hardcoded on physical network interfaces.A MAC most represent is hexadecimal uses one of two accepted format  



    The first six hexadecimal digits of a MAC address identify the manufacturer of the physical network interface.This is referred 

    to as OUI(organizational Unique Identifier).The last six digits uniquely identify the host itself,and referred to as host ID

    1. logical address(IP Address)
                                                     A unique identifier through which we can find network host or host in the network are called ip address.ip address(Internet protocol)is a protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the internet.Each computer (known as a host)on the internet has at least one  IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the internet.

    Each ip address is 32 bit long.IP address has four octet,each octet is contain 8 bit .The smallest possible value of octet is 0,or 00000000.The largest possible value of an octet is 255,or 11111111.

    examples of IP address is 

    There are two part of ip address 

    1. network part
    2. host part 
    network part unchangeable while host part can changeable with a specific method 

    For example 

    In above example the 8 bit is network part in the remaining 16 bit is host bits

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